Protection nets & canopies

Protection nets & canopies

  • We are the first manufacter to test with dummies.
  • The protection nets are adaptable to any building and provide maximum safety to persons against possible falls.
  • The protection canopies are designed to prevent and arrest the fall of materials, avoiding the risk of impact on people.

The protection nets have 2 vertical and horizontal positions and 4 and 6 m modules.
They have the first “T-protection System” for fall-arrest safety of loads and persons to pass the Resistance Tests of the European Standard EN 1263-1. This system is suitable for the protection of single-family homes, as in most cases it does not require locations after its installation.

ALBA was the first company to develop an experimental test program using High Technology Dummies on Safety Net Systems against falls from height to obtain criteria for damage to the human body.

The protection canopies are designed to prevent and arrest the fall of rubble and materials, avoiding the risk of impact on persons who circulate in the vicinity of the building, protecting them against possible accidents.

Robust fixing by means of Support Clamps, common to our “T-protection System” for Safety Nets, which serves two different applications, allowing the rationalization of stocks. Possibility of manual or crane assembly.